The Funding Decision within the Call “Improved Skills and Competencies of Teachers and Other Educational Workers in Primary Education” adopted

The Funding Decision within the Call “Improved Skills and Competencies of Teachers and Other Educational Workers in Primary Education” adopted

The Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds, the Programme Operator of the “Local Development and Poverty Reduction Programme”, following the award procedure within the Call for Proposals “Improved Skills and Competencies of Teachers and Other Educational Workers in Primary Education”, on 22 March 2022 has adopted a Funding Decision of total value HRK 9.126.421,58 supported by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA).

This Decision provides financing for the implementation of eight (8) projects supporting teachers and other educational workers in the Republic of Croatia employed in the primary education system, in the long-term development of their skills and teaching competencies that meet labour market needs. Activities are aimed at improving teaching skills and methods and developing primary school programmes and curricula in the priority thematic areas of the “Local Development and Poverty Reduction” Programme: STEM, information and communication technologies in education, entrepreneurship, skills development and better employment opportunities, and active citizenship.

The list of selected projects is available on the following LINK.

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