Strengthening Bilateral cooperation with Norway in the Green Transition

Bilateral cooperation in the field of Sustainable upcycling of by-products in the fields of Aquaculture and Fisheries (SAFE)

Beneficiary: Zadar County

Duration: 20 March 2023 – 30 March 2024

Budget: 98.071,00 EUR

The main goal of the initiative was cooperation with the Norwegian experts SINTEF Ocean AS and Nofima AS for the purpose of exchanging knowledge, data and best practices and development of preconditions for sustainable management of aquaculture and fisheries by-products, all for the purpose of developing competitive, sustainable and resilient fisheries and aquaculture. In addition to the Norwegian partners, the initiative was implemented in cooperation with the University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture and the Ministry of Agriculture. One of the main results of the initiative was the Report on sustainable management of fisheries and aquaculture by-products which was prepared in cooperation with all partners and external experts. At the end of the initiative, a Bilateral Expert Group for Aquaculture and Fisheries was established to ensure the long-term sustainability of the initiative.

COoperation for the ADVancement of Aquaculture in Norway and Croatia- COADVANCe

Beneficiary: University of Zadar

Duration: 20 March 2023 – 19 March 2024

Budget: 90.000,00 EUR

The goal of the initiative was to identify how Croatia and Norway can contribute to increasing the capacity of sustainable aquaculture, by implementing new innovative and smart technologies and ideas and improving skills, and it was carried out in cooperation with the Norwegian partner UiT The Arctic University of Norway. By using the results and knowledge gained through the implementation of joint trainings, workshops, visits and meetings, a strong framework for future cooperation related to sustainable aquaculture was achieved. The academic staff of both institutions participated in the creation of a white paper on aquaculture, the strategy of future cooperation between the two institutions, the creation of two articles in Lanterni – the University of Zadar’s newsletter, reports on aquaculture in Norway and Croatia, and 4 newsletters.

COOPwind- Bilateral cooperation for offshore energy production

Beneficiary: IRENA- Istrian Regional Energy Agency Ltd.

Duration: 1May 2023 – 30 April 2024

Budget: 99.920,40 EUR

Due to the regional specificities of the Istria County, as part of the COOPwind initiative, the Istria County and IRENA started the process of defining a model including an offshore wind farm, which is not focused on maximizing the production of electricity but on maximizing the sum of the production effects of all available blue economic sectors in the area in question, as well as the protection and improving the state of the marine ecosystem and is therefore acceptable and desirable for all stakeholders. As part of the initiative, Guidelines for planning the development of inclusive wind farm were created, and bilateral cooperation was achieved with the Norwegian partner Stiftelsen Seed Forum Norway.

BLUEGREENCIRCLE – Unlocking bio-based circular economy sustainable development potentials in Lika-Senj County

Beneficiary: GTF-Initiative for Sustainable Growth

Duration: 20 March 2023 -19 May 2024

Budget: 85.153,98 EUR

As part of the initiative, a number of activities were carried out with the aim of increasing the capacity of local stakeholders and the community in Lika-Senj County for sustainable development through the principles of a circular economy. The activities included the mapping of stakeholders in the area of ​​circular economy and the establishment of the Working Group for bio-based circular economy of Lika-Senj County. Interested stakeholders from the public, private and civil sectors had the opportunity to participate in capacity building trainings, and ten Croatian representatives participated in a study trip to Norway where they represented the Lika-Senj County and learned about Norwegian examples of good practice. In order to sensitize the general public to this area, six camps were held in Lika-Senj County for young people and women who want to learn about the concept and practices of the circular economy. The initiative was implemented in cooperation with the Lika-Senj County and the Norwegian partner International Development Norway Association.

Cost effective Renewable Energy harvesting in Croatian Islands (CRECI)

Beneficiary: University of Rijeka- Faculty of Engineering

Duration: 20 March 2023 – 30 May 2024

Budget: 99.268,13 EUR

As part of the initiative, research into possible ways of using renewable energy sources on the Croatian islands was carried out, as well as the identification of associated challenges with the exchange of experiences with the Norwegian partners NORCE Norwegian Research Center AS, which resulted in the preparation of the report “Analysis of the current situation and the potential of using renewable energy sources on the Croatian islands“. Special emphasis is placed on protected areas on the Croatian coast, as well as the importance of tourism in the aforementioned context. The final meetings made it possible to connect scientific institutions with representatives of local communities, associations, organizations and companies operating in the field of renewable energy sources, as well as connecting them with Norwegian partners for the purpose of defining future opportunities for cooperation and bringing scientific institutions closer to the needs of the wider community.

Ecosystem-based strategies for remediation of brownfield sites in coastal area

Beneficiary: University of Zagreb, Faculty of civil engineeering

Duration: 20 March 2023 – 19 March 2024

Budget: 99.280,00 EUR

The goal of the initiative was the development and exchange of good practices in the field of brownfield recovery with special emphasis on ecosystem solutions. This approach enables the preservation of marine areas as well as the potential for green and sustainable tourism in revitalized areas. The initiative contributed to the strengthening of local government and increased the capacity for cooperation with experts, and at the same time contributed to the reduction of environmental, economic and social inequalities in Europe. The initiative was carried out in cooperation with the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, the Association for Nature, Environment and Sustainable Development Sunce, Municipality of Dugi Rat and the Norwegian partner University of South-Eastern Norway.

OTIMEDT – Ocean Technology Innovation Market Exchange for Dalmatia and Trøndelag

Beneficiary: University of Split

Duration: 20 March 2023- 31 July 2024

Budget: 100.000,00 EUR

The primary goal of the OTIMEDT initiative was to establish bilateral cooperation among blue economy stakeholders between the Trøndelag region in Norway and Dalmatia in Croatia. As part of the initiative, the University of Split, in cooperation with the Norwegian partner Trondheim Tech Port, created a Market Exchange Report that explores the possibilities of connecting stakeholders from these two regions, based on the analyzes from the report on the stakeholders of the ocean technology ecosystem, which are made during the duration of the initiative. In addition, the report draws on virtual events that brought together Croatian and Norwegian stakeholders during 2024, as well as live events in Split and Trondheim. These meetings included B2B meetings and visits to companies, organizations and production facilities in both regions. The report provides insight into the current state of the market for both regions, and an overview of best practices, technologies and approaches in the blue economy sector, as well as challenges and opportunities facing stakeholders in both regions.

RESCOP – REmote Sensing monitoring in marine eCOsystem based spatial Planning

Beneficiary: University of Split, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy

Duration: 20 March 2023 – 29 March 2024

Budget: 99.810,05 EUR

The initiative focuses primarily on exploring the potential applications of multifunctional models to support maritime spatial planning in Croatia and Norway, taking into account human impact and climatic challenges. These models utilise a multi-parameter and multi-layered assessment of coastal ecosystem health indicators. Among its various activities, the project examines the potential utilization of satellite observation data from the European Copernicus data services. Such an approach could optimize the parameters and indicators that need to be measured, consequently reducing costs. Norwegian partner is the Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (NERSC).

Empowering the Water-Energy-Food Nexus by incorporating biodiversity and climate awareness (WatNex)

Beneficiary: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science (PMF)

Duration: 20 March 2023 – 31 March 2024

Budget: 61.097,50 EUR

The main purpose of the initiative was to raise awareness among experts from different sectors and a number of other stakeholders about the importance of biodiversity and ecosystems in the context of climate change in the nexus systems (i.e. in the water – energy – food sustaiability – climate – biodiversity systems) in the following decades. In addition, the initiative promoted the nexus approach in regions where its funding is below European standards and encouraged the participation of underrepresented stakeholders, especially young biodiversity and climate experts. The initiative was implemented in cooperation with the partner the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU).

Flexible and smart energy systems to decarbonize buildings

Beneficiary: Faculty of Geotehnical Engineering, University of Zagreb

Duration: 20 March 2023- 31 March 2024

Budget: 100.000,00 EUR

The aim of the initative, carried out in cooperation with the Norwegian partner SINTEF Energy Research is to exchange knowledge and experiences in the field of environmentally friendly technologies, building decarbonization, innovative energy technologies, and to establish long-term research, educational, and technical cooperation. Through various activities such as study visits, meetings, and expert workshops, Norwegian partner has shared its expertise with the beneficiary of the initiative on the implementation of the ZEB (Zero Emission Buildings) concept and smart building concepts they have applied in their ZEB laboratory in Trondheim.The University of Zagreb Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering has shared its experiences in energy service models and policy development, with a particular emphasis on the modernization and decarbonization activities of the faculty building in Varaždin. Students of the Geotechnical Faculty have also actively participated in various activities, and through a series of online guest lectures by researchers from SINTEF, this project has improved teaching activities at the faculty.
In addition, two technical solutions for the building of the Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering were developed through this project.

FETREC Islands – Fostering Energy Transition and Resilience Capacity on Islands

Beneficiary: Town of Cres

Duration: 20 March 2024- 30 April 2024

Budget: 99.438,00 EUR

The aim of the initiative was to increase the capacities of experts, local authorities and the entire community in the field of green transition by exchanging experiences and best practices between Croatian and Norwegian partners, with the aim of a sustainable way of life on the island Cres. During the implementation of the initiative, six activities focused on examples of good practice in the field of green transition were carried out, involving local public and business stakeholders, as well as academic organizations including professors and students. Joint cooperation resulted in the signing of a memorandum of understanding between Østfold University College, the Norwegian partner in the initiative, with the University of Rijeka Faculty of Engineering and the University of Zagreb Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture. The memorandums of understanding represent the first formal step for continuing and improving cooperation in the academic sector, which could develop innovative solutions for the real needs of island municipalities and companies.

Transformation in agriculture in a rapidly changing climate: a bilateral collaboration in education and research between Norway and Croatia

Beneficiary: Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek (FAZOS) Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek

Duration: 20 March 2023 – 19 April 2024

Budget: 96.899,93 EUR

The objective of the bilateral Initiative was to establish a collaborative platform to facilitate knowledge sharing and co-creation of innovative and transformative low-input agriculture in response to a rapidly changing climate. The initiative brought together experts and researchers from different institutions to develop sustainable agricultural practices that require fewer resources and can adapt to environmental changes. Extensive field research was conducted, a total of eight scientific papers were published, and a platform for cooperation between the Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek and the Norwegian partner Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) was formed. This platform will continue to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and collaborative development of innovative low-input agricultural practices, addressing the urgent need for sustainable solutions in the face of climate change.

Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe